Blocking calls

How to block a number from “History”:

Block Number – Not contact/ contact:

  1. Go to the “Historytab
  2. Choose a phone number from your history calls 
  3. Click on the 3 dots
  4. Click on “Block or report spam” button  
  5. A pop-up will appear and you will choose if you’d like to block the number


How to block a number from “After call”:

  1. After a call from an unknown caller you will receive a pop up “Was this a spam call?”
  2. If it is, check the “”Block number” box


How to unblock a number:

  1. Once you block a number you can unblock it in the same way, from the pop-up “Block or report spam” – uncheck the “Block number” box. (See picture inHow to block a number from “History”)
  2. You can also press the number and then the small red block sign on the top to unblock the number.
  3. Another way to unblock is to go to the “Block list” by going to More > Block list > Select 3 dots next to the number > Unblock Number


How to block all Spam calls:

  1. Click on More
  2. Click on block list
  3. In the block list screen click on the three lines (right hand side above)
  4. Check the “Block all SPAM calls“ box

(Instructions getting to “Block list” is written above)


How to see blocked calls in History:

  1. Go to the same page as the photo above and check the “Show block calls in History”.
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